WOMEN AND MODESTY 1 Tim. 2:9-10 ...in like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety (127) and moderation (49997), not with braided (4117) hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing, but,which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works. (127) Gr. aidos (Propriety) - a sense of shame, modesty. - is prominently objective in its reference, having regard to others; - (through the idea of downcast eyes); bashfulness, i.e. (towards men), modesty or (towards God) awe: reverence, shamefacedness. 4997 Gr. sophrosune (Moderation) - soundness of mind, i.e. (lit.) sanity or (fig.) self-control:- soberness, sobriety. 4117 Gr. plegma (braided hair) - a plait (of hair):- broidered hair. - what is woven, plaited, or twisted together; a web, plait, braid. - of a basket in which the infant Moses was laid. MATTHEW HENRY COMMENTARY Women who profess the Christian religion should be modest, sober, silent, and submissive. They must be very modest in their apparel (you may read the vanity of a person's mind in the gaiety and gaudiness of his habit), because they have better ornaments with which they should adorn themselves. Good works are the best ornament. Those that profess godliness should, in their dress, as well as other things, act as becomes their profession. Women must learn the principles of their religion, learn Christ, learn the scriptures. They must be silent, submissive, and not usurp authority. Adam was first formed, then Eve out of him. And as she was last in the creation, so she was first in the transgression. Women must be learners, and are not allowed to be public teachers in the church; the woman must not usurp authority over the man, but is to be in silence. Read 1 Pe.3:1-6